Hi! I'm Unnamed

  • Profile
  • ID# 103756
  • Re-evaluate Date  
  • Species FERAL 
  • Breed FERAL 
  • Gender MALE (NEUTERED) 
  • Condition FAIR 
  • Age ADULT 
  • Size LARGE (10 lbs) 
  • Has Microchip NO 
  • Primary Color ORANGE 
  • Secondary Color WHITE 
  • Timeline
  • Found On April 08, 2023
  • Clear Date April 18, 2023
About Me
I am a male Feral cat. I came to the shelter because I ran away. I arrived at the shelter on April 8, 2023, in fair condition. The friendly shelter staff says I am large sized and I am orange and white. I am no longer at the shelter.
Photos of me
I was picked up near 129 HENIGAN COURT, WEATHERFORD, TX 76088